National Date Association of Iran
Website guide

Provincial Branches
Kerman, Esteghlal Blvd., 12 Esteghlal Alley, Phone: 03432535271 – 03432535270
Bushehr, Barazjan, Shariati St., Asnaf Building, 2nd Floor, Phone: 07734224025
Fars: Shiraz, Ma’ali Abad, in front of Mellat Park, Tubi building 4, 5th floor Phone: 07136359692 – 07136358987 Fax: 07136358961
Sistan and Baluchistan, Zahedan, University Street, Doctor Hasabi Square, Zahedan Chamber of Commerce, Industries, Mines and Agriculture Phone: 05433294435 -05433294428
Hormozgan: Bandar Abbas, Shahid Haqqani Boulevard, Rabi Alley 5, Mother Building Tel: 07632248414
Khuzestan, Shadgan, Moalem Square, Shadgan Commercial Office Phone: 09167295904
Specialized committees under the supervision of the National Date Association of Iran

Manager: Dr. Vakili Poor
Secretary of the committee: Mr. Mirlohi

Manager: Amir Zargarzadeh
Secretary of the committee : Alireza Sanati

Manager: Hadi Moghaddam
Secretary of the committee : Meraj Mirjafari

Manager: Engineer Badrabadi
Secretary of the committee : Mr. Ramezani
Objectives and services of the National Date Association of Iran
Efforts to organize production (palms, packaging and processing industries), trade (export and import) of dates and its products
Marketing and obtaining information about supply and demand, prices of production and consumer markets, analyzing information to provide with members using global achievements
Participation in public sector decision-making and provision of advice to make optimal decisions and guidance to protect national interests and members
Establishing relationships with banks and credit organizations of the country as well as international financial and monetary organizations within the framework of the laws of the Islamic Republic of Iran and paving the way for financial credits and facilities
Creating a database in areas related to the goals and tasks of the association and providing a network of activists (producers, industry owners and traders of dates and its products)
Providing advisory and legal services to members
Carrying out any research and scientific activities inside and outside the country to enhance the knowledge of gardeners and farmers in the country within the framework of the relevant regulations in order to achieve the goals of the National Date Association of Iran
Continuous participation in specialized international exhibitions to display and visit the state-of-the-art achievements and capabilities of the industry
Enhancing the activists’ knowledge level in the field of date through organizing training courses
Introducing the National Date Association of Iran to corresponding international bodies as the only official private reference of Iranian dates